Labor day Wknd & lots of visitors

Soon to be Mommy and Daddy

Soon to be Mommy and Daddy

Such a busy weekend! But fun, fun, fun! First of all, my hubby officially moved in the hospital with me. And that makes me so happy! He goes home only to do laundry and bring stuff that we need, but he will be here after work every single day. It was so nice to have him with me this whole long weekend.

On Friday I had some cute furry visitors from the Happy Paws. They bring in dogs to cheer up patients. Not that I needed to be cheered up but it was fun to chat with the owners, especially because they are older people with lots of stories to tell and I love that. They were so impressed by the fact that I am carrying quadruplets and they wanted to hear all about the pregnancy. It was nice to see how amazed and excited they were about the babies! They will be back every Friday and they want me to keep them updated 🙂

On Sunday I had the privilege to go outside for 30 minutes, in a wheel chair of course. It was so good to feel the fresh air and enjoy a few minutes out of the hospital. We took a bunch of pictures and had a lot of fun. I’m learning to appreciate the little things!

I took pictures of everyone that stopped by to see us and I’ll post some here. I am sure I’ll be happy to look back on my blog and remember that even though the days sometimes seemed to be too long, I still managed to keep myself busy and that I was surrounded by so many people that care. Also, I have to mention again how wonderful the nurses are. Never thought that I will be making friends in the hospital but I am!

My everyday visitor - Naty. Girls, watch out! :)

My everyday visitor – Naty. Girls, watch out! 🙂

The Lupei's

The Lupei’s

Good times with good friends

Good times with good friends. Banciu and Boldor Families

Many beautiful surprises!

Many beautiful surprises! Orth Family

Narcis, Andreea and her parents

Narcis, Andreea and her parents

I retook the glucose test a few day ago and I failed. But it’s ok. I mean, we were all expecting this. There are 4 placentas in there, a lot going on, so the doctors have told me a while back that most likely I will get gestational diabetes. A dietitian came by and explained how my diet will change and how things will work out. And it’s fine, it’s not such a big deal. They are giving me some medicine  to control the blood sugar (glyburide) and I also have to pay close attention to when and  what I am eating and drinking.

Today is a very special day because we’ve reached 29 weeks of pregnancy! It is absolutely wonderful and I thank God for every single day. He has been faithful to His word and showed us that He truly is in control. I have nothing to complain about. And I feel very good considering how hard my body is working right now. Can’t wait for Thursday to get another ultrasound and see the babies and also get updates on their weights. Please continue praying for our growing family!

29 weeks 🙂